Scripts to Update the Values for Requisition Approval Time-out Reminder Notifications for both New Requisitions and Requisition Change Orders
Most of the times we receive requests from business to set the value for Requisition Approval Time-out Reminder Notifications for both New Requisitions and Requisition Change Orders. In all these case, we have to download the corresponding workflow and update the Attribute Value from the corresponding workflow process. Once we made the changes, we have to migrate/save the workflow to the database. Also, in most of the cases it is not possible to Test the Time-out Notifications with Real Value (Eg:- 15 Days, we have to wait for 15 days to receive the Time-out Notification even in Test Instance). To avoid the work related to download and uploading of workflow, the below scripts are very much helpful. We can update to a least value(Eg:- 15 mins for Each Reminder to complete the testing in Test Instances before migrating to PROD). We need to run different scripts for Purchase Requisition and Requisition Change Orders. Note: In all queries, The Time-out value will ...