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Showing posts from February, 2017

Steps to create Invoice for a Service Contract

Here are the steps to create an Invoice for a Service Contract in Oracle Applications (R12) 1. Login to US Service Contract Manager. 2. Create a service Contract, by entering the necessary fields. 3. Do QA Check for the service contracts and ensure everything is fine. 4. Switch to AR Super user responsibility. Navigate to Run -> Single Request 5. Enter the following Concurrent program: Service Contracts Main Billing      - Provide the Contract number as input to the program. 6. Submit the program. 7. Now, select the responsibility US AR Super User 8. Navigate to Interfaces -> AutoInvoice -> Single Request 9. Select the Concurrent program: Autoinvoice Master Program 10. Enter the parameters:       - Invoice Source: OKS_CONTRACTS 11. Now you can verify, that for the service contract created, there would a record created in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table.

What is the Difference Between Procurement and Purchasing?

Many people use the terms  purchasing  and  procurement  interchangeably, but despite their similarities they do have different meanings. The Procurement Process - Procurement involves the process of selecting vendors, establishing payment terms, strategic vetting, selection, the negotiation of contracts and actual purchasing of goods. - Procurement is concerned with acquiring (procuring) all of the goods, services and work that is vital to an organization. - Procurement is, essentially, the overarching or umbrella term within which purchasing can be found. Aligning your procurement function with your corporate strategy is only one part of the ultimate goal of procurement. Goods and services also need to be purchased. The process of purchasing these good and services is known as the  Procure-To-Pay Cycle . The entire Procure-To-Pay Cycle can be an involved process with numerous steps: §   Identification of Requirement §   Auth...

'Transfer Journal Entries to GL program' Functionality and FAQs

1. What are the tables involved in the Transfer to GL and GL posting?  Subledger Tables XLA_AE_HEADERS       XLA_AE_LINES       XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS Transfer Journal Entries to GL (XLAGLTRN) process takes the Subledger journals and inserts records into the Interface Tables. Interface Tables             GL_INTERFACE / XLA_GLT_<groupid>           Journal Import (GLLEZL) then reads from the interface table and creates records in the GL Tables GL Tables   GL_JE_BATCHES GL_JE_HEADERS GL_JE_LINES GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES 2. What are the different methods to transfer Subledger journals to GL? ONLINE MODE GL Transfer can be spawned during Online Accounting using the "Final Post" option for a specific document (Example: AP Invoice and AR Transaction). Example: Navigation in Payables: Invoices/Entry/Invoices: Action: Create Accounti...

Issue with 12.2 E-Business Suite Import/Export of OAF Personalizations

  While trying to import/export Personalizations from 12.2.4 onwards, it fails with the following error:  Error: Cannot Display Page Documents Imported You cannot complete this task because of the following events caused a loss of page data: - Your login session has expired. - A system failure has occurred. Sometimes the Documents are imported and the import is successful, other times the import fails and only the above error is received. Reproducible Steps: The error occurs under the following navigation path: Functional Administration -> Personalizations ->Import/Export -> Exported Personalizations 1. Select a OAF Personalization  2. Click on Import from File System button Solution: To resolve the issue test the following steps in a development instance and then migrate accordingly: 1. Download  Patch 23119976 :R12.FWK.C, "ORACLE APPLICATIO...

Personalizations Not Editable at Site level for Seeded OAF Pages

If you ever see that the  Personalization is not editable at Site level for Seeded OAF pages, Please set profile option 'FND: Personalization Seeding Mode' to yes and re-test the issue. In Oracle Applications Framework, if the Profile option FND: Personalization Seeding Mode is set to NULL/No, it would not allow Standard Personalizations to be updated. 

Oracle Purchasing – Receipt Accounting

Oracle Purchasing – Receipt Accounting (Accrue On Receipt and Accrue at Period End) Inventory Accruals: Inventory and Purchasing provides visibility and control of accrued liabilities for inventory items. Purchasing automatically records the accrued liability for the inventory items at the time of receipt. This transaction is automatically recorded in the general ledger at the time of receipt. The inventory expense is recorded at delivery if Standard Delivery is used and at receipt if Direct Delivery used. Expense Accruals: Purchasing optionally accrues un-invoiced receipts of non-inventory items when a period is closed. Purchasing automatically creates a balanced journal entry for each receipt un-invoiced at period end which can be reversed at the beginning of the next period. Navigation: India Local Purchasing > Oracle Purchasing > Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options Difference between 'Accrue On Receipt' and 'Accrue at Per...