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How to Default Descriptive Flexfield Data From Requisition Header To Requisition Line?

Issue : 

If we have set up additional information in a Descriptive Flexfield at the Requisition Header level, is it possible to automatically default these values down to the Line level, for example to the PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS table?


As the Requisitions form has blocks which simultaneously contain the current Requisition Header, Line and Distribution information, it is possible to reference Desc Flex Field columns across different blocks.

Please try the following method in a test instance:

1. Query the Requisition Header DFF definition.
    In this example we will assume that the data to be populated in the child row is
     in the ATTRIBUTE12 DFF column.

2. Responsibility: Purchasing Super User
    Navigation: Setup > Flexfields > Descriptive > Segments
      Click F11 and populate the Title field with "Requisition Distributions"
      Ctr+F11 to execute query
      Click Segments and get the relevant Segment, say ATTRIBUTE1
      Click Open
    Under the Validation Region, in the Default Type field choose "Field"
    In default value, enter 'PO_REQ_HDR.ATTRIBUTE12'

    Save your work, Freeze and Compile the Flexfield.

3. Retest the issue, please navigate to the distributions block of the requisitions form in order for the flex field to invoke the default values.


If the chosen column in the Distributions record (ATTRIBUTE1 in the above example) is set
up as 'Optional', then the default value will not be populated unless the User actually opens
the Descriptive Flexfield pop-up window in that Block.

You can force the default to be used by making ATTRIBUTE1 a Required Segment.

In the above case the Default is only used if the column is currently empty - a default
DFF value never overrides an earlier user-entered value.

Reference: How to Default Descriptive Flexfield Data From Requisition Header To Requisition Line? (Doc ID 1618008.1) 


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