In order to receive an item within iProcurement, the following must be true:
1. The item must be on an approved purchase order.
A. Navigate: (From iProcurement) Find your requisition from either the Requisitions at a Glance section of the Home Page, or query it in the Requisition Status page > click on requisition number > scroll down to item region and view PO number from PO Number field.
B. Navigate: (From core Purchasing resp.) Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders > Query purchase order from step above. The status field must say Approved.
2. The purchase order line must be open for receiving.
A. Navigate (From core Purchasing resp.) Purchase Orders Summary > Query Purchase Order > On the Headers form scroll to the Closure Status field. This must say Open.
B. Navigate (From core Purchasing resp.) Purchase Orders Summary > Query purchase order > Click Lines button and scroll to the Closure Status field. This must say either Open or Closed for Invoicing to be open for receiving.
3. The receipt close tolerance on the purchase order must be less than 100%.
Navigate: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders. Query up your PO and click the Shipments button > More tab. Make sure the Receipt Close Tolerance field is less than 100%.
4. The Receipt Routing on the purchase order line must be Direct.
Navigate: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders. Query up your PO and click the Shipments button. From here click the Receiving Controls button and make sure the Receipt Routing field says Direct Delivery.
5. The matching on the purchase order shipment must be either 3-Way or 4-Way.
Navigate: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders. Query up your PO and click the Shipments button. From here click on the More Alternate Region and tab over to the field called Invoice Matching. Make sure this says either 3-way or 4-way.
6. The purchase order shipment in the core application must have a valid ship-to location.
Navigate: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders. Query up your PO and click the Shipments button. From here tab to the Ship-To Location field. This value must still be an active ship-to location.
You can check the locations status by either running the Locations Listing report or navigating to Setup > Organizations > Locations and querying up your locations. It must have an active date range and must be a ship-to location.
Receiving Options
Receiving Controls on Supplier Record
Receiving Controls on PO

Receiving Options
Receiving Controls on Supplier Record
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