How to unreserve the purchasing document in the same period in which the document originally got reserved?
As per the functionality, when an unreserve action is taken in a
purchasing document, encumbrance reversal will happen in current GL period
considering the system date. If you want the reversal to happen in the same
period in which the document originally got reserved, you can use the check box "Use Document GL Date to Unreserve" so that the reversal will
happen based on GL date entered in PR/PO distributions.
This check box would be available only when doing
Unreserve/Cancel/Final close where you can manually enable it and get the
encumbrance reversal in the same period in which it got created.
But if you perform a Reject action on the PO or Return the PR or
delete the lines which are in Incomplete,Reserved status, this check box will
not be available. In such cases, you may need to set the profile option “PO:Use
Document GL to Unreserve” to Yes so that the encumbrance reversal will
happen automatically in the same period in which it got created.
This unreserve action or the encumbrance reversal will happen
based on the GL date of purchasing documents only when that past PO period and
past GL period is in Open status. If that PO/GL period is already closed, then
the reversal would happen only in the current period based on system date in-spite of this profile option being set to Yes.
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