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Issue with 12.2 E-Business Suite Import/Export of OAF Personalizations

 While trying to import/export Personalizations from 12.2.4 onwards, it fails with the following error: 
Error: Cannot Display Page
Documents Imported
You cannot complete this task because of the following events caused a loss of page data:
- Your login session has expired.
- A system failure has occurred.

Sometimes the Documents are imported and the import is successful, other times the import fails and only the above error is received.

Reproducible Steps:

The error occurs under the following navigation path:
Functional Administration -> Personalizations ->Import/Export -> Exported Personalizations
1. Select a OAF Personalization 
2. Click on Import from File System button


To resolve the issue test the following steps in a development instance and then migrate accordingly:
1. Download Patch 23119976:R12.FWK.C, "ORACLE APPLICATION FRAMEWORK (FWK) RELEASE 12.2.4 CONSOLIDATED BUNDLE 10" along with any required pre-req patches.
2. Apply the patch and any pre-req patches per the read me instructions.
2. Bring up the Application services.
3. Retest the import/export process to confirm the error no longer occurs.


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