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Standard Flexfield Workflow Functions

Standard Flexfield Workflow

The Standard Flexfield Workflow item type provides special function activities for generating and validating key flexfield code combinations. These functions are in addition to the predefined Workflow activities described in the Oracle Workflow Guide. Also, your product may provide you with product-specific Account Generator functions. See your Oracle [Product] User's Guide for details on these additional functions. The Standard Flexfield Workflow only provides you with function activities you can use to customize your own Account Generator workflow. The Standard Flexfield Workflow does not contain any attributes or processes to run. The following is a description of each of the Standard Flexfield Workflow function activities.

Start Generating Code Combination

This function is used as the start activity of the top-level process that generates the code combination, and should be used only in the top-level process. It should not be used as a start activity of any subprocess the top level process may invoke. This function should be marked as a "Start" activity after copying it to the process window. This function does not have any attributes.

Assign Value to Segment

This function assigns a value to a specific segment of the combination. This function has the following attributes:
    • Segment Identifier: How the segment is identified, either "Qualifier" or "Name".
    • Segment: The flexfield qualifier name or segment name of the specific segment.
    • Value: The value to be assigned to the segment.
    • Replace existing value: Has the value of "False" if the value should be assigned only if the segment currently has no value, "True" if the value should be assigned even if the segment already has one.

Copy Segment Value from Code Combination

This function copies a segment value from a given code combination to the combination that is being generated. This function has the following attributes:
    • Code Combination ID: The code combination ID for the combination from which the segment value will be copied.
    • Segment Identifier: How the segment is identified, either "Qualifier" or "Name".
    • Segment: The flexfield qualifier name or segment name.
    • Replace existing value: Has the value of "False" if the value should be copied only if the segment currently does not have a value, "True" if the value should be copied even if the segment already has one.

Copy Values from Code Combination

This function copies all the values from a given code combination to the combination that is being generated. If you set the "Replace existing value" attribute to "False", you can use this function to copy values from a default code combination to segments without values. This function has the following attributes:
    • Code Combination ID: The code combination ID for the combination from which values will be copied.
    • Replace existing value: Has the value of "False" if the value should be copied only if the segment currently does not have a value, "True" if the value should be copied even if the segment already has one.

Get Value from Code Combination

This function retrieves a segment value from a given code combination and assigns it to an attribute of the current workflow item. This function has the following attributes:
    • Code Combination ID: The code combination ID for the combination from which values will be copied.
    • Segment Identifier: How the segment is identified, either "Qualifier" or "Name".
    • Segment: The flexfield qualifier name or segment name.
    • Attribute to assign value: The internal name of the item attribute to which the value should be assigned.

Is Code Combination Complete?

This function checks to see if values have been assigned to all segments in the code combination. This function returns "True" if all segments have values and "False" if one or more segments do not have values. This function has the following attribute:
    • Check only for required segments: If this attribute is set to "True" then the function only checks if the required segments have values. If this attribute is set to "False", then the function checks that all segments have values.

Validate Code Combination

This function validates the code combination that has been generated. It has the following attributes:
    • New code combinations are allowed: If this attribute is set to "True" AND the key flexfield has 'Dynamic Inserts Allowed' set to "True", then the validation will not generate an error if the combination does not exist in the code combination table.
    • Validation Type: Either use "Generate Code Combination ID" to do a full validation and generate a code combination ID, or use "Validate Segments with Values only" to do value validation on only segments with values. Full validation applies to the entire combination to see if it is a valid combination. "Validate Segments with Values" only validates the values for segments with values.
Note: If the code combination in question is new (that is, it does not already exist in the code combinations table), this function activity does not insert it into the database or generate a new CCID for it. If the combination is successfully validated and dynamic inserts are allowed, then the function will set the CCID to -1, and this will be the value that will be returned to the calling form or program.

Abort Generating Code Combination

This function is used to end the Account Generator process when a fatal error occurs. An error message in the encoded format is passed to the function and that message is displayed in the calling form or program. This function should be marked as an "End" activity and should return a value of "Failure".
    • Error message: The error message for the failure condition. The message should be in the Message Dictionary encoded format.

End Generating Code Combination

This function ends the top level process of the account generation, after the combination has been generated and validated. This function should normally follow immediately after the Validate Code Combination activity. This function should be marked as an "End" activity and should return a value of "Success". It does not have any attributes.
For the functions listed above with the attributes Segment Identifier and Segment, "Qualifier" refers to the segment qualifier, for example, "GL_BALANCING_SEGMENT". The segment "Name" refers to the Name specified in the Segments window. For information on segments, segment qualifiers, and validation see the following sections:


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