There are 3 methods to remove a bad customization from an OA Framework page.
Method 1 (This is the recommended method)
1) Login to Oracle Applications with the system administrator responsibility
2) Update the Profile Option: "Disable Self-Service Personal" = YES
- This disables the rendering of all personalization that have been created.
- You can set this at the site or application level.
3) Navigate to the page you personalized.
4) Enter the personalization UI in the same way you did to create the personalization initially
5) Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- This will remove the personalization from the page.
6) Go back to Oracle Apps with the system administrator responsibility
7) Re-enable personalization's by setting the "Disable Self-Service Personal" profile option to NO
You should now be able to get back to the page and it should render correctly.
Disable Self-service Personal / FND_DISABLE_OA_CUSTOMIZATIONS Profille
This is a system profile option specifically created for use by Oracle Support. You can set this profile option to "Yes" or "No" at the site or application level. If this system profile option is set to Yes, any personalizations made by the customer, regardless of the level at which the personalizations were made, will not be applied. All pages using OA Framework will now display the regions based on their original definitions.
Reference : Oracle Application Framework Profile Options Release 12.1.2 (Doc ID 975459.1)
Method 2
Method 3
To use this method you need to know the name of the page / document that was personalized.
This is reported as the "Document Name" in the Personalization UI.
This will have the format of:
For example the OA Framework home page document name is:
Once you have this, you can then proceed with the steps below:
1) Login to sqlplus as apps
2) Run the following sql commands:
set serverout on;
exec jdr_utils.listcustomizations('/oracle/apps/product/subcategory/PageName'');
For the home page example we would do:
exec jdr_utils.listcustomizations('/oracle/apps/fnd/framework/navigate/webui/HomePG');
- This will return the internal name of the personalization.
- This will be in the form of:
In the home page example, if the personalization was created at the site level, you would get:
3) Now we backup the document we are about to delete:
Make sure you are backing up the correct document.� It should have the word /customizations/ in the document name.
From the web server, use the OS command:
adjava -mx128m -nojit \
-username apps \
-password apps \
-dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myHost)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=VIS)))" \
-rootdir /tmp
4) We can now delete the personalization.
Be VERY careful you are deleting the personalization and not the base document.
You will know, because the parameter you pass will have the word /customizations/ in the document name.
From sqlplus do:
exec jdr_utils.deletedocument('/oracle/apps/product/subcategory/PersonalizationLevel/PersonalizationID/PageName');
For the home page example, this would be:
5) Bounce Apache, because these page definitions are�cached.
Your page should now be accessible.
6) If you need to restore the document you deleted, use the command:
-adjava -mx128m -nojit \
/tmp/oracle/apps/product/subcategory/PersonalizationLevel/PersonalizationID/PageName.xml \
-username apps \
-password apps \
-dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myHost)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=VIS)))" \
-rootdir /tmp
Method 1 (This is the recommended method)
2) Update the Profile Option: "Disable Self-Service Personal" = YES
- This disables the rendering of all personalization that have been created.
- You can set this at the site or application level.
3) Navigate to the page you personalized.
4) Enter the personalization UI in the same way you did to create the personalization initially
5) Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
- This will remove the personalization from the page.
6) Go back to Oracle Apps with the system administrator responsibility
7) Re-enable personalization's by setting the "Disable Self-Service Personal" profile option to NO
Disable Self-service Personal / FND_DISABLE_OA_CUSTOMIZATIONS Profille
This is a system profile option specifically created for use by Oracle Support. You can set this profile option to "Yes" or "No" at the site or application level. If this system profile option is set to Yes, any personalizations made by the customer, regardless of the level at which the personalizations were made, will not be applied. All pages using OA Framework will now display the regions based on their original definitions.
Note: When this profile is set to "Yes",
a warning message that all personalizations are disabled is displayed
on every page to which a user navigates.
Reference : Oracle Application Framework Profile Options Release 12.1.2 (Doc ID 975459.1)
Method 2
You can remove your personalization via Function Administrator responsibility.
1. Sign on to Application
2. Select Responsibility: "Functional Administrator"
3. Select: "Personalization" Tab ->> Application Catalog
4. Application Catalog ->> Search
5. Search Application ->> Search By: Application Short Name: POS%
6. Quick Select: iSupplier Portal
7. Check Box: Personalized ->> Click: "GO"
8. Find your Personalization for the "View Payments" Page ->> Click: "Manage Personalizations" Pencil icon
9. Select the Personalization and Click: Delete Personalizations Button.
The above steps will delete the personalization
Reference : How To Remove Personalizations In View Payments Page (Doc ID 1643814.1)
2. Select Responsibility: "Functional Administrator"
3. Select: "Personalization" Tab ->> Application Catalog
4. Application Catalog ->> Search
5. Search Application ->> Search By: Application Short Name: POS%
6. Quick Select: iSupplier Portal
7. Check Box: Personalized ->> Click: "GO"
8. Find your Personalization for the "View Payments" Page ->> Click: "Manage Personalizations" Pencil icon
9. Select the Personalization and Click: Delete Personalizations Button.
The above steps will delete the personalization
Reference : How To Remove Personalizations In View Payments Page (Doc ID 1643814.1)
Method 3
To use this method you need to know the name of the page / document that was personalized.
This is reported as the "Document Name" in the Personalization UI.
This will have the format of:
2) Run the following sql commands:
set serverout on;
exec jdr_utils.listcustomizations('/oracle/apps/product/subcategory/PageName'');
exec jdr_utils.listcustomizations('/oracle/apps/fnd/framework/navigate/webui/HomePG');
- This will be in the form of:
Make sure you are backing up the correct document.� It should have the word /customizations/ in the document name.
adjava -mx128m -nojit \
-username apps \
-password apps \
-dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myHost)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=VIS)))" \
-rootdir /tmp
Be VERY careful you are deleting the personalization and not the base document.
You will know, because the parameter you pass will have the word /customizations/ in the document name.
From sqlplus do:
exec jdr_utils.deletedocument('/oracle/apps/product/subcategory/PersonalizationLevel/PersonalizationID/PageName');
Your page should now be accessible.
-adjava -mx128m -nojit \
/tmp/oracle/apps/product/subcategory/PersonalizationLevel/PersonalizationID/PageName.xml \
-username apps \
-password apps \
-dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myHost)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=VIS)))" \
-rootdir /tmp
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this useful information.
I think it is mostly helpful to who are ready to learn Oracle OAF.