APP-PO-14230: The GL date is not in an open periodSteps to Reproduce:
Or- APP-PO-14376: Please enter a GL date within an open purchasing period
- Navigate to Enter Receipts form:
- Save a receipt.
1. Ensure the Receipt Date falls into a GL Period that has Status=Open or Future:
Setup / Financials / Accounting / Open and Close periods2. Ensure the Purchasing Period is Open:
-OR- Setup / Open and Close periods
Setup / Financials / Accounting / Control Purchasing Period
3. Please note that the Inventory period must also be Open:
Accounting close cycle / Inventory Accounting Periods
Queries To determine the Status of the periods (substitute the pertinent start and end dates in the queries below) :
GL Period:
select set_of_books_id, period_name, decode(closing_status,'O','Open', 'C','Closed', 'F','Future', 'N','Never', closing_status) gl_status, start_date, end_date
from gl_period_statuses
where trunc(start_date) > sysdate-40 --adjust date as needed and trunc(start_date) < sysdate+1 and application_id = 101
order by application_id,start_date desc
PO Period:
Inventory Period:select set_of_books_id, application_id, period_name, decode(closing_status,'O','Open', 'C','Closed', 'F','Future', 'N','Never', closing_status) po_status, start_date, end_date
from gl_period_statuses
where trunc(start_date) > sysdate-40 --adjust date as needed and trunc(start_date) < sysdate+1 and application_id = 201
order by application_id,start_date desc
select set_of_books_id, application_id, period_name, decode(closing_status,'O','Open', 'C','Closed', 'F','Future', 'N','Never', closing_status) po_status, start_date, end_date
from gl_period_statuses
where trunc(start_date) > sysdate-40 --adjust date as needed
and trunc(start_date) < sysdate+1
and application_id = 401
order by application_id,start_date desc
Referecen Metalink ID: ID 552244.1
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