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iProcurement Global Requester and Global Approver

Global Requester

Oracle iProcurement lets requesters create requisitions on behalf of another requester, even if that requester is in a different operating unit or business group. For example, a manager in the United Kingdom can order office supplies for a newly hired employee in the United States, even though the UK and the US represent different business groups. Possible scenarios include:
  • Global preparer. The manager in the UK logs on using the US responsibility. Even though the manager is not part of the US business group, the manager can create a requisition for a US employee.
  • Global requester. The manager in the UK logs on using the US responsibility and picks himself as the requester, even though the manager is not an employee in the US business group. For example, the manager is traveling to the US and needs to order supplies while in the US.
The process flow routes the resulting requisition for approval based on the preparer's approval path, when using an employee-supervisor hierarchy. When using a position hierarchy and the preparer or approver belongs to a different business group than the requester, then the preparer or approver must manually select an approver for the requisition. (The workflow cannot generate an approval list in this scenario.)

During Checkout, iProcurement shows the Requester field on the requisitiont. When global requester functionality is enabled, then clicking the Search icon next to this field lets you select requesters in other business groups.

Note: When you click the Flashlight icon, the list of available requesters includes all employees in the business group associated with the login responsibility, plus the preparer. For example, a manager in the UK logs on using the US responsibility. This manager sees everyone in the US business group, plus himeself.

If the global requester functionality is enabled while searching for requisitions on the Requisitions tab, then you can select the option Include employees from other organizations to expand the search to preparers or requesters in other business groups. The list of available preparers and requesters includes all employees in the business group associated with the login responsibility, plus the preparer.

Note: You can monitor only those requisitions that were created in the operating unit associated with your login responsibility. For example, a manager in the UK logged on using the US responsibility and created a requisition. When the manager logs on using the UK responsibility, the manager does not find the requisition. The manager finds it only when logging in using the US responsibility.
Setup Steps
  1. Set HR: Cross Business Group to Yes to allow the selection of requesters in other business groups.
    If this profile option is set to No, then preparers can select requesters in other operating units, but not in other business groups.
  2. Set the profile option ICX: Override Requestor to either By All or Within Organization.
    When ICX: Override Requestor is set to No, then the Requester field on the requisition defaults to the preparer and cannot be changed.
Profile Options
  • Set the following profile options as described in the preceding setup steps:
    • HR: Cross Business Group
    • ICX: Override Requestor
  • The following table show how Oracle iProcurement behaves depending on the setting of these profile options:
    HR: Cross Business Group and ICX: Override Requestor
    HR: Cross Business Group ICX: Override Requestor Preparer's Actions
    Yes By All Preparer can select any employee in or outside one's business group.
    Yes Within Organization Preparer can select any employee in or outside one's business group.
Function Security
  • The functions for viewing or performing actions on My Group's Requisitions, My Requisitions, All Requisitions, Requisitions I Approved, and Orders to Approve behave the same regardless of how HR: Cross Business Group is set. For example, if the requester is given access to View My Group's Requisitions (and the security level access for the requisition document type in Oracle Purchasing is set to Public), then the requester can view all requisitions created in the operating unit that the requester is logged in to, regardless of whether the preparer belongs to the same business group.
Implementation Considerations
  • The accounting for the global requester functionality behaves no differently than it normally does:
  • If the item is an expense item and no account information is defined for the item, then the system verifies whether an account is associated with the requester (in the People window in Oracle Applications). As always, this account must share the same set of books as the operating unit in which the requisition is created.

  • If the account is not valid for the set of books of the operating unit in which the requisition is being created, then the system verifies the favorite accounts that the preparer has defined in the iProcurement Preferences. If a valid account does not exist in the preferences, then the system still tries to build the account using the expense charge account rules, if set up.

  • If the system cannot build the account information, then the preparer receives a prompt to enter the appropriate accounting information manually during checkout.

Global Approver

As requisitions are created in Oracle iProcurement, approval paths are generated. You can set up the list of approvers to include employees belonging to different business groups. For example, it is possible for requester A from business group 1 to have his or her requisition routed to approver B from business group 2. In addition, approvers from different business groups can be manually inserted into the approval list. As such, the list of values for approvers can include a column containing the business group of each potential approver.

Approvers can view the requisition details from the notifications pages, even if the requisition was created in a different operating unit. Requisitions that were created in a different operating unit are not available through the general requisition status pages nor are they available for modification. The approval action history display includes business group information for each approver.

Setup Steps

If any approvers in the hierarchy are employees in different business groups, then set the profile option HR: Cross Business Groups to Yes before you set up your approval hierarchy.

Profile Options
  • HR: Cross Business Groups


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